The car wash.1. Starting from the water injection to stain the dust, grime and dirt out of the car as much as possible.2. Usually. The car wash with water only is clean enough. But may use force to scrub. If you want to clear, clear clean, use it to ล้างรถร่วม shampoo.3 car is like a home cleaning time start from the top and then washed from the top. ลงล difference.4. Suggest use a soft cloth, such as lint in the car wash, do not use a car wash sponge, because the sand or dust will be trapped in the pores of the sponge. When rubbed on the skin color can cause scratches, and if it should bring the cloth soaked in water before. If you add fabric softener is good. And while washing the car to keep washing and scour frequently.5. Basically, the upper part of the car is little dust. While the bottom is dirty and dusty. Therefore suggest separate use 3 piece. The first piece is used for clearing the upper roof, hood, trunk lid and window, the ที่สองใช้ clear the bottom of the car from the mirror"s edge The bottom down, the last used for cleaning wheel and the other is very dirty. If the fabric ผืนเดียว, recommend washing often. To remove the dust. The mud out of the fabric, the car will be clean.6. Water spraying fire shampoo out. Use dry soft cloth wipe car dry. There is no dust and no water stain on skin color.
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