My bad day is when my dog died. His name is Yu Hu. He is a dog that looked cheerful and friendly. He is my best friend since I was a child. He died last year, because it is very. Which he died of it, age 14 years. He was sick for a long time. In the morning, before his death he sleep all day like he is about to collapse. I feel sorry for him He is lying dormant in them without eating anything. I took the food to go, it's not like eat, and he is waiting for something, until evening, my sister came back from work and then come take care of it, it was a water rise and then it went to sleep, then a few hours later it was gradually breathing light, then die. Me and my sister gutted because it was with us for a long time. " It was the day I felt it was a good day. I don't like from La because it will make me sad and crying.
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