Set your home 's thermostat a few degrees lower. For each one-degree change your family, can save up to 5 percent on your. Home 's heating and cooling costs!
photo of dishwasherTurn off lights and all electronics (like computers televisions,,, Stereos and video-games), when you leave a room.
Use the microwave instead of the oven for cooking your meals.
Use machines. Like washers dryers,,And dishwashers after 8 p.m.
Open your blinds or curtains on sunny winter days to let the sun shine into your home.
. Save hot water by taking short showers instead of baths.
Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.
Occasionally hold. A ribbon up to the edges of your home 's windows. If air is leaking into or of, out, house the the, ribbon will move. If. You find, a leakLet someone in your family know so they can fix it.
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