The written invitation to the meetings and agenda1. the written invitation to the meetings.The important thing is to take action before you make the invitation to the meeting was to set the meeting date and agenda items for the meeting by the Chairperson in consultation with the manufacturer and verify that it is meeting or not. Afterward, they prepared the book to successfully take shape, invitation to the meeting.The format of the invitation to the general meeting a meeting, as well as the book, which includes government contacts. The beginning of the story section, and a footer.The structure of the meeting consists of the following parts, which (in the case of Government or some private) day, month, year, subject, refer to the initials (if any) that was sent by (if any), and ending with a story where a sender's invitation to attend the Conference, which is often a Secretary.Best invitation within the same structure, but there will be no closing "sincerely," he said. There is only one signature, and the position of the Secretary only.The written invitation to the meetings.1.2.1 the beginning consists of the following sections.-Subjects are most commonly used for "invitation to the meeting," or specify clearly whether it is a Conference, such as invitation to the annual general meeting of shareholders for the year 2545 (2002) invite invite Executive Committee meeting extraordinary meeting for the year 2545 (2002) in business circles may have a different format, such as "writing" subject "in the Middle. After greeting (see, for example, the invitation to the meeting, internal)-The salutation, depending on who is letter. If the general public using a "study ... by a person's name, or if this is a book that is sent to many people may use the initials with meaning, there is no need to specify a unique name, for example, dear shareholders,-Refers to either with or without it. Typically refers to a specific letter. But if there are other matters that need to be taken into consideration with the other books, it refers to related stories.-Enclosure may be with or without it. Usually a meeting agenda Previous meeting or Conference literature. If there is more than one document to every invoice numbering.The story section 1.2.2 should verify the information in the content that covers one or more of the following issues.Who-who meetingNothing-the name of the meeting.When determining the date-time-Where-locationWhy-the purposeGenerally, the subject of the invitation to look like this:-Beginning with the word "by" and specify the name of the caller, such as meeting with a company, there is limited given ........ meeting .......... With the company's Board of Directors has resolved to call the annual general meeting of shareholders or may be omitted by specifying only the name of the Conference, for example, by the general meeting of shareholders of the company at the time 1/2545 (2002)-Fixed the date of meeting. Must specify clearly. in addition to the date, the month and, like Thursday, May 30, 2002, to prevent mistakes.-Meeting time used formal language, such as 9.00 am-13.30 pm.-The meeting place Use the word "at" followed by the location. The information provided is detailed enough, depending on the discretion of the Organizer to do at the company offices, meeting rooms, 32/12 SOI ARI phahonyothin road 2, samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok, but if it's a place where participants can identify known briefly as well as of the meeting of the Association. However, it should specify the date, time and place of the meeting, the most obvious to not cause doubts.The last paragraph of the notice of the meeting will be the aim of the subject which often begins with the word "so" is a popular idiom is commonly used. As follows:"It came to the school and ask for a meeting invitation, according to determine the date, time and place thereof". "He's invited into the meeting date, time and place thereof". "Ask your meeting invitation, based on the date, time and location above by unison is great-thanks"."So students come to visit scheduled meeting dates, times, and places I know well above more grateful," he said.If you want to assign the participants rather. To write additional text in the last paragraph. As follows:"If the shareholders intending to appoint others to meetings and voting instead. Please fill in the attached proxy form with this complete and submit to the President in the meeting before the start of the meeting. "The footer contains the-Closings, as the recipient of the book. If the general public is often used as the "best regards," he said.-Signatures and issuer signed a letter, along with the full name to be printed in parentheses below the signature, and the signature of the owner of the place, such as a Secretary to the Managing Director. The Chairman of the Board Etc.An additional section. If there is other information in addition to that, you may notice more in last paragraph or the end of a letter, for example, asked to bring documentation for agenda time with ...... etc. However, if it is to add text as a note at the end should be done sparingly, because it seems to me not very discreet so need to add text later.If you want to know the exact number of participants may be attached to the reply or ask specific meetings, within the time limit.In the case of regularly meeting may establish a form fill only a portion of a meeting request. The name of the meeting date, time and place of the meeting purpose, waste less time on working draft does not want new mail every time there is a meeting.2. writing a meeting agenda2.1 format of agenda items for the meeting. The meeting agenda (agenda) may vary according to the aim and the agreement of each of the agencies. The popular formats used commonly consists of 5 rotation which sequential arrangement as follows:2.1.1 subject notification2.1.2 subject signed the minutes of the meeting (if any).2.1.3 sequel story.2.1.4 proposed matters to consider2.1.5 other matters (if any).Each term may be composed of many smaller matters pale.
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