Microwave power devices, almost every house has caught the attention ¬¬¬¬¬¬ how to use simple and easy, whether it is warm or boiling water, some models have been developed that can cook, bake. But it is easy, however, There are also many people who are still afraid of using a microwave oven to warm Wang ¬ ¬ These are the nutritional value lost. As a result, those foods are toxic to the body. The body free radicals And the end result will eventually become cancerous
part in a boiler explosion on. Or boiled eggs in the microwave Jesadavat professors have provided additional information that typically use a microwave to warm food must bring food or water into a container that is not closed entirely too well. When heating food in a microwave oven over time, it will cause the pressure inside the container ¬¬¬¬¬¬
Yes, but that they can safely use the microwave to 100%, because if you boil water in the microwave too long. This may cause the appearance of ¬¬¬¬¬¬ Forecast Super Heat a condition in which water storage containers and heat it so much more than ¬¬ ¬ The boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius, which is when. We scoop of coffee or something else in the water it makes the water gushing ¬¬ ¬ leavened with a glass of harm addition. The use of containers containing aluminum. Be careful, too This type of aluminum foil that can be brought into the microwave, it will be a smooth gear ¬¬¬ no quirk because aluminum foil was folded horn to cause sparks in the microwave. And causing the heat was too much. If too much heat and emits a microwave, it will go off ¬ ¬¬ as well.
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