The people of Japan have been cultivated that it must complete the entire meal from the mountains and the sea from the mountain is. Vegetables, rice, cereals, seasonal vegetable, as well as various dishes from the sea beans, sea fish, various. Crab, shrimp, shellfish and seaweed Sea food is the food of life of the people of Japan but less important food made from soy, such as tofu and bean sauce so that Mitsubishi, fermented from soybean. How to cook the most Japan Use the static method of steaming soup make the most natural taste. Rice is the main food is rice, it's the seafood. Different types of vegetables and fresh condiments Sauce or soy sauce and chopsticks restaurant Japan is important when eating, clean mouth feel and pregnant is because of fresh from the mountains and the sea. The source code of Mac-o-tik, which we know rabai on name of sheet-wachit.Japan food and is popular with foreigners.
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