Jupiter is the star satellite as discovery and confirmed it is now 67 terrestrial planet with a satellite in the solar system [1] Star satellite with mass, most of the Sun or stars 4 Galileo (the Galilean moons) are discovered in 1610, is considered to be the first group object in the solar system that are discover that khotronop star other than the Sun or the Earth since the end of the 19th century there was a small theme parks many stars were discovered and named according to the name of a loved one, or daughters of the Prince of the Roman God Jupiter (Greek Zeus or God the Lord asked.)Star satellite of Jupiter moon 8 satellite orbit is normal, that is, that there are nearly circular orbits in the same way the other Star and tilt angle to the equator of Jupiter. The stars of the four Suns look like Galileo a sphere so the stars could get these theme parks are considered dwarf planets if they khotronopduang the Sun directly. Best 4 star Steiner is smaller than the Moon and Jupiter over the stars of Galileo as a supplementary source of dust which the density to the rings of Jupiter.Other theme parks as star of a small satellite, which is far from Jupiter than. A star is unusual theme parks and indented Center tilt of the high orbit (orbit does not have the same center point smooth.) Bangduang orbit in the same way, and the other khotrotwon Sun bangduang satellite star one of these theme parks can ever become the asteroid khotronopduang Sunday before, but Jupiter's gravity powers to arrest them later. With the stars recently discovered 16 satellite Moon in this group has not yet been named.
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