EXPERIENCE OF ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZATION, such as is effected withorname การแปล - EXPERIENCE OF ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZATION, such as is effected withorname อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


ornamental plants in order to obtain new variations in color, has led to
the experiments which will here be discussed. The striking regularity
with which the same hybrid forms always reappeared whenever
fertilization took place between the same species induced further
experiments to be undertaken, the object of which was to follow up
the developments of the hybrids in their progeny.
To this object numerous careful observers, such as Kölreuter,
Gärtner, Herbert, Lecoq, Wichura and others, have devoted a part of
their lives with inexhaustible perseverance. Gärtner especially in his
work Die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche [The Production of
Hybrids in the Vegetable Kingdom], has recorded very valuable
observations; and quite recently Wichura published the results of
some profound investigations into the hybrids of the Willow. That, so
far, no generally applicable law governing the formation and
development of hybrids has been successfully formulated can hardly
be wondered at by anyone who is acquainted with the extent of the
task, and can appreciate the difficulties with which experiments of
this class have to contend. A final decision can only be arrived at
when we shall have before us the results of detailed experiments made
on plants belonging to the most diverse orders.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
experience of artificial fertilization, such as is effected with
ornamental plants in order to obtain new variations in color, has led to
the experiments which will here be discussed. the striking regularity
with which the same hybrid forms always reappeared whenever
fertilization took place between the same species induced further
experiments to be undertaken,.the object of which was to follow up
the developments of the hybrids in their progeny.
to this object numerous careful observers, such as kölreuter,
gärtner, herbert, lecoq, wichura and others, have devoted a part of
their lives with. inexhaustible perseverance. gärtner especially in his
work die bastarderzeugung im pflanzenreiche [the production of
hybrids in the vegetable kingdom],.has recorded very valuable
observations; and quite recently wichura published the results of
some profound investigations into the hybrids of the willow. that, so
far, no generally applicable law governing the formation and
development of hybrids has been successfully formulated can hardly
be wondered at by anyone who is acquainted with the extent of the
task,.and can appreciate the difficulties with which experiments of
this class have to contend. a final decision can only be arrived at
when we shall have before us the results of detailed experiments made
on plants belonging to the most diverse orders.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ornamental plants in order to obtain new variations in color, has led to
the experiments which will here be discussed. The striking regularity
with which the same hybrid forms always reappeared whenever
fertilization took place between the same species induced further
experiments to be undertaken, the object of which was to follow up
the developments of the hybrids in their progeny.
To this object numerous careful observers, such as Kölreuter,
Gärtner, Herbert, Lecoq, Wichura and others, have devoted a part of
their lives with inexhaustible perseverance. Gärtner especially in his
work Die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche [The Production of
Hybrids in the Vegetable Kingdom], has recorded very valuable
observations; and quite recently Wichura published the results of
some profound investigations into the hybrids of the Willow. That, so
far, no generally applicable law governing the formation and
development of hybrids has been successfully formulated can hardly
be wondered at by anyone who is acquainted with the extent of the
task, and can appreciate the difficulties with which experiments of
this class have to contend. A final decision can only be arrived at
when we shall have before us the results of detailed experiments made
on plants belonging to the most diverse orders.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
is effected with ornamental plants in order to obtain new variations in color, has led to
the experiments which will be discussed here. The
striking regularity with which the same hybrid forms always reappeared whenever
fertilization took place between the same species induced
further experiments to be undertaken,The object of which was to follow up the developments of the
hybrids in their progeny.
this object To numerous careful observers, such as Ko lreuter,
Ga rtner, Herbert, Lecoq, Wichura and others, have devoted a part of their lives with
inexhaustible perseverance. Ga rtner especially in his work
Die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche [The Production Hybrids of
in the Vegetable Kingdom,
has recorded very valuable observations; and Wichura quite recently published the results of investigations into the profound
some of the hybrids Willow.That,
so far, no generally applicable law governing the formation and development of hybrids
has been successfully formulated can hardly be
wondered at by anyone who is acquainted with the extent of the
task,and can appreciate the difficulties with which experiments of
this class have to contend. A final decision can only be arrived at
when we shall have before us the results of detailed experiments made
on plants belonging to the most diverse orders.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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