7 a.m. AM. wake up and shower.
seven forty-five AM. dressing
08.10 AM. having breakfast
08.50 AM. travels to wait for the COA.
20.9 AM. trip to the library,
09.40 AM. walk around the library.
10/11 AM. reading Books
11.45 AM. walk out of the library. Buy
12.20 PM. trip back to the dormitory
12.30 PM. had lunch
01.02 PM. relax
01.45 PM. journey to learn English.
02 o'clock PM. started learning English.
four thirty-seven a.m. PM. trip back to the dormitory
05.20 PM. getting to eat pizza with teachers and friends. and
07.13 PM. returned dormitory
08.00 PM. meetings
09.11 PM. bottled water
10.48 PM. going to sleep
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..