Football or soccer is a team sports are played between two teams, each team has 11 players, using the balls is widely accepted that the sport is most popular in the world will be playing in the grass, rectangular or lawns. artificial The door in the middle of the field on both sides. The goal is to score by taking the ball into the opponent's goal. In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players who can use hands or arms on the ball. The other players to use their feet to kick the ball to the desired location. Sometimes the torso or head to intercept a ball that floats in the air. The team that took the ball into the opponents goal than to win. If the score is equal, always considered. But in some games, a tie at regular intervals, and then want to determine the winner, so the need for extra time. And / or penalties, depending on the rules of the sport that was first played. Mid-19th century in England by the rules of the modern game is collected in England. The English Football Association in the year. Fri. Laws of the Game was born in 2406 to guide the rules of play today. Football at international level is regulated by FIFA. This event is the most prestigious international World Cup tournament, which is held every four years.
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