3. Mix and prepare the
geopolymer concrete mixing stage osteoporosis. Start by mixing geopolymer paste. By the fly ash mixed with cement mixer. Then pour the solution into the mix for 5 minutes, add NH NS solution into the mix the following ingredients for 2 minutes to get geopolymer paste with meat well. Pour the ash is in a saturated surface dry mix. Mixer for 1 minute walk to the geopolymer concrete mixture is poured into a casting riddled with examples. Open casting and steel samples with a tight jab jab. Then sample wrap with plastic to prevent moisture loss. Wastewater samples at room temperature for 1 hour, then take a sample in oven at a given temperature for 48 hours after the time unpacking and plastic wrap and incubated at 25 ° C and relative humidity of 50 percent until the age of test samples.
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