Because the liver is the cause of death the key and is a common disease in Thai and tension ตับแข็งเป็น significant risk factor in the occurrence of liver cancer. Recommended for patients with cirrhosis should have surveillance to liver cancer. Which typically recommended to have an ultrasound (Ultrasound) of the liver and blood of liver cancer marker indicator (see) 6 every month.Cirrhosis patients might have a problem with aneurysm in the esophagus. Therefore, in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, especially in cases of cirrhosis of the liver a lot. Doctors usually the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to see if the patients condition พองใน esophagus and stomach blood vessel pong? And if there is a bigger, the doctor may recommend medication blocking beta (beta-blocker) such as propranolol to protection of broken blood vessels dilated.Finally, cirrhosis patients should receive care from doctors and continuous track who has any problems. In practice the medical care or contact through the liver Club of the country.If the liver function not broken until complications occur until the control or not need to cure by surgery a liver transplant. Nowadays liver transplantation has good success to 80-90% but patients need to take press immunity, such as cyclosporine, and tacrolimus. Protects the body refused to change the new liver
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