food of rabbits grass grass
there are many kinds of easy-to-find general. It is grass trimmer can be cut off from the sidewalk, it is grass grass hair hair that is,
In addition, hair grass, hay, there will be many kinds of generally available in the market such as timothy grass hay and grass alfalfa yet expensive, hunting, by each type of grass that will be nutrients are not the same.
There will be grass-alfalfa yet most high protein and starchy for the rabbit, growing old is not a rabbit up to 1 year, or at the bottom of the arms, the grass was so pips should be, because of a high-fiber or
The grass trimmer, we, as a supplementary food in the cage, it was a rabbit to eat every day, it would be better to maintain the balance of digestive system because it is the injection of food fiber pulp is not enough fat rabbit, is not strong enough to eat fiber richand it was blocked by a boulder or a call that is in the bottom of the
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