In the, current situation the influence of globalization are still ongoing.And will also increase steadily.Learning the language of the country would.Have an advantage in doing various activities.Because no one is communication and knowledge as well as speaking the same language.I have told the players that Thailand Trading Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong,,,Taiwan not just, because it comes in contact with the United States and then communicate.With each other is not clear it must, go through an agent who knows the, language betterSuch as Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Taiwan,,, or. Even the spin given a Talib We will see that.These are all countries with a focus on learning a foreign, language.Especially EnglishA language that could be considered as a universal language. Many countries declared as the official.Language another, language. In addition to their own language.English is international language that it is used for communication and English.Is used in assignment when we need to connection with different cultural people.English is used in everyday life and it getting influential and communication With foreigner.So learning English is very necessary because English is used extensively.And it also opens a wide world of ideas in order to make career orgression.My expectation of English language learning is my listening speaking reading and,,,Writing skills are pratised and developed. Especially speaking and writing skills are.Important. I would like to speak English like a native speaker and write English correctly.Grammar and I want to use English in application and traveling abroad.Benefit of learning makes me can use English in my future occupation.
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