In the late 19th century, the Golden dog breeder. Fawoe retreat, or that some people call the yellow. Fawoe retreat (YELLOW RETRIEVER), also known as pet and widely in England in the year 1908, it was a contest for the first time in this species of dogs at Crystal Palace. And then, not too long, it has set up a Club of this particular breed of dog.For the United States began to retreat in the Golden fawoe is fed widely around the year. 1930 was by most Americans to raise Golden. Fawoe to retreat as the official Association of hunters even endorse the United States AKC puppies this year into the directory. , 1925, but they rarely get from pet owners who think I would like to send a dog only contests. Because of this, most puppies pet owners pay attention to the performance of applications over the contest, and in July, 1977 the Association choice has provided the AKC competitions and talent wise intelligent of dog. Which it appears that the dogs have 1-3 awards are the Golden dog breeder. Fawoe retreat, all from the results of the contest in time, Americans began to crash awake and interested in this breed of dog more. For the species The first golden era is a unique retreat fawoe color gold or yellow brown and the (which has different shades), but again, it's early, the new species. Which have dark brown, or brown in color, this color is burnt, which is very popular in Europe and America, some as exotic colors.
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