Human resource management An important objective is to help expand the role of the human resources function. The scope of a broader range of batthi to batphan and covers any activity related to the Organization and its personnel.1. in order to help people share knowledge and skills. The ability of their work more efficiently and effectively2. to helping organizations achieve operational goals that are defined.3. to help refine the quality of personnel motivation and pursuing those who graduated in the higher level to others.4. to raise the level of competency and the satisfaction of the personnel work.5. to develop and maintain valuable nurturing others, Salvation, satisfaction levels of the organization.In addition, the purpose of human resource management in the overview can also meet the requirements in different levels as follows:1. Community level needs (Society Requirment) In consideration of the benefits that society can get to people, everyone is capable of being appropriately. Jobs are earning sufficient livelihood, as well as personnel development is the principal business of the 4 younger Te job effectively and is need of society.2. meet the expectations level enterprise management (Management) In the human resources management Organization expect to be specified in the มัศักย class to the Organization to perform real. Which will result in a growing organization made progress continuously. Therefore, human resource management, thread. It must recognize the significant obligation related to the process of organizing people into work. By taking care of stool, but before going to work during and after the work to build confidence. A sarat Marga compensated for everyone to come together and build a strong organization here.3. enterprise needs a worker (Employee Need) The Organization must always be aware that the people or the worker all look forward to a better way of living in society, the family is happy and honored to accept social morale operations therefore. The management of human resources, it should not neglect the needs of the people, everyone should get, because these things can reverse build to make organizational growth in the end.
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