1. vigor Creativity itself. The town house, not a single day that takes in must use diligence requires patience sacrifice but, most importantly, patience is not such. Such fine things What good is it tedious. Maybe like that does not work do not do so khrue look it is here but I'd endorse that do not khrue there must be patience. Next time will definitely see results in their own patience. The Royal to give to students. Students, teachers and professors in an audience with October 27, 1973.2. a fit. To create a new position, it must gradually principles. A cautious and proper fit. Do not exceed the capacity and or hustle When there is a strong support base with a little then created a higher level of progress, as well as to the effect that it will indeed. There is a genuine and useful principles endure. The Royal ceremony to give the degree of Khon Kaen University December 18, 1997.3. knowledge. What do children need to practice? The knowledge is always to make people have a good and organized person. Will be able to study and perform various tasks by quickly will be the ones that will create success and prosperity to themselves and the public in the future, certainly. Royal granted to print in the book children's day the year 2521 (1978)4. we will need to receive and to give. We will take, but it is not. We will need to receive and to give. It means that here and now when things of which they will have to try to make it by trying to create harmony, honeymoon and in national public life and make several groups with mutual trust. Where aid has helped to spread the mind truly tolerance. Khon Kaen University students granted Royal April 20, 1978.5. gentle, but not weak. In a society that tells You will need to maintain good manners for a gentleman to know best regard not necessary. There is a gentle but weak, not ready to sacrifice personal benefits to the public. The Royal ceremony to give the degree of Chulalongkorn University, June 25 2496.6. real talk Made real. They steadily in saying the truth say that doing so has been a success, with our faith and admiration from all parties. To say, then do is speak. The actual work is therefore a key factor in promoting the dignity of the person, and reinforce the good progress to occur, both parties and the public. The Royal ceremony to give the degree of Chulalongkorn University, July 10, 1997.7. the savings book. The book is an accumulation of knowledge and all things human. Do come to mind. But until today ancient books, it is important to become more like banks, savings and know-how is what makes. Human progress has truly. Board members granted the Royal Library nationwide. On the occasion of his Majesty the thuli aerosol audience appeal. November 25, 19718. honesty Honesty is the Foundation of every virtue. Children need training to be held in ourselves. So I know has grown to become a good person and a very stable life, growing. A Royal invitation to give children books printed in the Buddhist year 2531 (1988)9. to overcome the mind. In our lifestyle. We need to control his mind not doing anything that we feel genuinely evil, that we must decline to make an effort to resist the idea and felt that all the conduct contrary to morals. We tongkla and bakban to perform what we know as good as the accuracy and fairness. If we do this together, really, the result of good deeds beget more and more, it will help in supporting the best family decay, as it will help revive a better. A Royal invitation to give the word to read. At the opening meeting of the young phutthi kotmakhom 12 times in the Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya. December 12, 2009
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