Global warming is also beginning to descend. Creatures can't live on this world. Over time, the Earth started to cool down. Temperature on Earth, so that there will be creatures. By accepted theory about the earliest organisms occurred. Due to the reaction of chemicals that occur in the sea. After that, their compounds as protein. Amino acids and enzymes on the sea are many. For sommutithan, it is supported by the experiments of Stanley Miller (Stanley Miller), Miller has done a simulation system, which is a closed state. After the gas methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3), hydrogen and water, that believe these conditions have caused the Earth's atmosphere in the past. After that, the heat and sparks. Within a system. After one week, Miller found that in a series of experiments found amino acids and organic acids occurs. For the later stage of organic compounds, the chemical as a single large molecule อินทรีย (macromolecules) and continue to evolve until a cell protoplasts (protocell), which is the starting point of the cell. With the structure of the wall is a fat and protein and cause the combustion inside the cell. After that, operating cells, which is believed to contain RNA act as genetic and enzyme additives to evolution became the initial cells of organisms that have the ability to increase the number of reproduction?
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