Project name equation simulation of overlapping of sound waves from the program GSP.(Sound wave interference simulator equation by GSP).In mathematics.Provider name project 1. You while substance victory.2. You beef at wich Monday tribes.3. You unique handmade forever.Email address school is part of Kalasin,School counselor, teacher, surasak, SriThe teacher also Kan is master.Abstract.Project work. Overlap of sound wave equations from the program GSP was 1) to create the thestudy overlap of sound waves from the program GSP using trigonometric functions. Step function and equation for a circle 2) to describe the sound of the guitar chords using the equation of sound waves from การซ้อนทับ simulation program, GSP In comparison 3) to know the benefits of the program Geometer "s Sketchpad (GSP) and application ให้เกิดประโยชน์ maximum.Procedure is 1) study programs GSP trigonometric function step function equation of circle guitar chords, the properties of sound waves. And other information related 2) the data were selected to compose important และจำเป็น and analyze the 3) create a model equation overlap of sound waves from the program GSP. Then put in Geometer Graph program "s Sketchpad (GSP) version 5.0 4). Comparison of sound from the sound wave equation simulation of overlap with the sound of the chord guitars.The results showed that the analysis of trigonometric functions can create an equation as follows.F (x - (t+b / C)) = a cos 〖 (2 π D (x - (t+b / C)) + e 〗.)When a is t ampicillin Jude is the time change B is the distance from the origin to the point C is อัตราเร็วของเสีย D D is e phase frequency is changed from the beginning.Analysis of function and cutting scrap is drawing the graph simulation of acoustic radius from the equation below.R (z) = TRUNC (ZD / C) C / D + [td-trunc (TD)] C / D.When t is the time change C is the speed of sound frequency is d is R radius sound waves.From the comparison of sounds from the equations with sound guitar chords, such as chord C from origin 1 has a =, =, 10 B 1 C =, =, 330 D 256 e = 0 which values of variables. ,,, a B C D E can explain and overlap of sound waves at Formby.
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