21 employees and claims against the fairness to himself and ask for return of rights and liberties of the people in the news by submitting a request to the Labor Relations Board (C flavor.. That the Company acts in accordance with Section 121 of the fair act, labor relations and flavor.decides that the actions of the TV is not fair to the user has been disabled employment and has been ordered to get the TV and 21 employees to return to work, such as the original, but the TV is not going to appeal to the court and Central Labor revoke an order, and flavor.Later, the Court Central Labor Court has considered and is of the opinion that the order of the season.with the laws, and then acquitted, but the TV is also submitted petition against a judgment Central Labor Court case again, last time it was 4 years, until March 8 , 2548 Supreme Court of Labor Court judgment was standing in accordance with the Labor Court.21 of them to return to work in a position not lower than wages and rates as well as the need to pay compensation to those employees since the day of his dismissal until the day that these people get back to work.
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