From the results of toxicity studies of polymers and degradation of products that. The results showed that the toxicity. Of the polymer. And the degradation of products. After four days raincoat is, toxic to aquatic LC50 test value equals 7.49% survival. Of the species tested 48 hours.The results showed that the toxicity of the polymer. And the degradation of products. Affect the organisms used in the. Experiment and it can be the beginning of the impact on the environment and ecosystem. In accordance with Even if plastic. Types were unevenly represented among the tested products making generalizations difficult plasticised PVC,,,And PU appear to be the most acutely toxic of the 15 tested plastic types. Only two out of eight plasticised, PVC products. A wet room floor and a hand protection glove were not toxic. This is, not surprising since plasticised PVC is associated. With environmental and health issues due to the use of hazardous, chemicals (Andrady 2003). The PVC polymer is made by polymerising. Vinyl chloride monomers a substance, which is classified as, carcinogenic (ECB 2008). To prevent degradation by heat during. Processing stabilisers that contain heavy metals (e.g. Pb Sn Cd or,,, Ba / Zn) are needed (Bacalogulu et al, 2001).
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