Lekoksidechan or oxidation (Oxidation State) is the charge of each atom (electron transfer is considered to occur completely). In molecules with a principle to define lekoksidechan as follows:1. the lekoksidechan of that freedom is a value 0, such as Na, O2, and P4.2. the alkali metals (alkali metal = village, IA) with lekoksidechan is + 1.LG metals prices inline with lekoksidechan Earth (MU IIA) is + 2.There are lekoksidechan, as 3.H + 1 except when a metal hydride compounds like NaH, there is an element of H atom lekoksidechan-1.There is lekoksidechan-2 4.O except on peroxide compounds (peroxide) and superoxide (superoxide) compounds. -H2O2 peroxide compounds, such as atoms of the elements there are O lekoksidechan-1 and. -Compounds of Atomic elements such as superoxide Na2O, there is lekoksidechan-O 1/2.5. lekoksidechan of single-Atom ion is equal to the charge of the ion. Na + is + lekoksidechan-1. -O2-lekoksidechan-2Lekoksidechan of the ion is an Atom with a total of lekoksidechan village is equal to the charge of the ion. The atomic number of the element S-SO42-is lekoksidechan a + 6, and the atoms of the elements there are lekoksidechan O-2.6. the sum of the lekoksidechan of an electrical value is 0, i.e. -Atomic lekoksidechan with NaCl is an element of Na + 1 Cl atoms of element with lekoksidechan and is-1 section. HNO3 H atoms of the elements there-the lekoksidechan is the atomic number of the element N + 1 with lekoksidechan is + 5 and O atoms of the elements is a lekoksidechan-2.
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