John Locke and the social contract in the human nature. The opinion of the log and not different from Hobbes. The human beings live and let live. They have freedom in nature.Firstly, the log will look better in terms of theory that human nature is not a condition สภาวะต่อสู้ competitive fighting a war in order to achieve their wishes, but a state of equality To have peace.They enforce rights according to their available natural and punish offenders self
.Secondly, according to the opinion of the log. There are two covenant people made (while Hobbes looked to have one covenant only).In such cases, meet the concept of Hobbes, Part II, a covenant covenant that people do with the state. In such cases, a different point and Hobbes.The state is a mediator is supposed to use such powers, with agents known as polychaetes and crustaceans. The promoting system allegiance. The state is not a pair of covenant, because the state has power over all the people in the community.
.The Loch is considered a second covenant that reason. The covenant first born Marc effect. When the people in the community have to accept the state government and to make such consent to go well.The State shall respect the laws enacted out if the government's violation of the law. Citizens have the right to sanction the state. This reflects a second covenant people treat the state is not above the people.Therefore, a covenant covenant Union (Pactun Unionis), so the state in the concept of the log that means The state was born because for people under the law. If no law, no liberty.The law is the guarantee of liberty. Such an opinion of log shows that the freedom of human nature must be limited by law to in the statements and stable in everyone's life. If not a contract already community.The state to a party in a covenant with the people to control and protection of freedom mentioned by law, and if the state does not respect the freedom of the people of the state transgressed my covenant and people can be cancelled, revoked the state.
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