The flood disaster this year (2554) affect the country in Southeast Asia to countries and also has the most serious in 50 years of Thailand. However, the crisis was to demonstrate cooperation and mutual assistance of the ASEAN members. It is visible from the ASEAN members to send help to each other. All that in some countries it fell as victims, but it also sends the provide assistance to other countries such as Laos and Myanmar, with varying levels of economic development slower than Thailand and status fall within the sufferer still provide assistance to Thailand. In addition, ASEAN also play a role in alleviating the situation by sending an emergency assessment team for a fast-moving situation, ASEAN. (Rapid Assessment ASEAN-Emergency Team-ERAT) into space in order to assess the situation of flood disaster in Thailand batnam. When October 15, 2011, which consists of five members from Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia Singapore Thailand Department work with 3 people with an emergency rice reserve rice through the Organization of ASEAN plus three (ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve-APTERR), however, if there is no cooperation to fix flood coverage than this. Flood problem, it becomes a barrier to the development of ASEAN members. In particular, Cambodia Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam, and they become a barrier to creating the next ASEAN.
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