Data was collected from telecom post-paid users. We dis- tributed 500 self-administered questionnaires among postpaid users with the help of six well-trained business management stu- dents. Among the 500 questionnaires, 340 were returned, but 27 questionnaires were excluded because of the missing data. The re- maining 313 questionnaires were used for final data analysis and thus the response rate was 62.6%. Male respondents accounted for 53% of the sample. The average age of the respondents was 31 years, and the majority of the participants were holders of a bach- elor's degree. Table 1 presents the demographic values of there- spondents. 3.4. Data analysis SPSS 20 was used for descriptive statistics, and AMOS to exam- ine the proposed model. AMOS is a powerful statistical tool that is generally used for conducting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) ( Nachtigallet al., 2003 ). We used SEM for the analysis of the proposed model because it is a multivariate data analysis technique that is commonly used in the social sciences ( Gonzálezet al., 2008 ). We perform CFA and find the goodness of the model fit, then calculate composite reli- ability (CR), Cronbach alpha, and average variance extracted (AVE). In the structural model, we examine the relationship between the constructs and estimate the coefficients to test the hypotheses
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