World War one (English: World War I or World War First) or often referred to as a "world war" or "war (the Great War), the war in 1939 as the BC Center in Europe between July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918 all the superpowers of the world [5] tied in the war which divided allies (the Center is at the Agency, including England France and Russia) and the middle powers fayomha (where is the Tri-Center Alliance: Germany Austria-Hungary and Italy) [6] The two partners have been reorganized and expanded when the nation into more wars. Finally, There are more than 70 million military soldiers died as European 60 million, Mr. Thukradom into the war, the largest one in the history of this war, [7] [8] World War one the is considered to be a conflict widely within Europe, once, the largest since the Napoleonic wars [9] The soldiers died in the battle participants exceeded 9 million, Mr. The main reason because of the severity of the destruction of the weapons, which increased the power flows owing to new technologies without development in the protection of or fluency in a corresponding movement. World War one is a war that has killed, most in the history of six [10] This is the result of war, has died. A combination of injuries and the loss of more than 40 million people, and clear or pave the way to several political changes, such as participating in a National Revolutionary War [11]The cause of the war, including long-term foreign policy the imperialist superpower, Europe's entire German Empire Empire many of the Austria-Hungary. Ottoman Empire, Russia Empire The order of the British Empire France and Italy Best to get a sign death kofran Archduke Ferdinand, hereditary Empire of Austria Austria-property in Hungary. When the June 28, 1914 by the kaf oval logo. Quantity 17 years Student nationalism United the two into the fuse why kot la close of war Austria-Hungary, thus missing the hub fixture slots sabu Kingdom Serbia [12] [13] All the partners, which was founded decades ago before being drawn into relevant. So within a few weeks. All are powerful in war and conflict to spread rapidly around the world through the various colonies.The conflict begin July 28 to Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia [14] [15] followed by the invasion of Germany and Luxembourg and Belgium France Germany Russia's attack. The latter attacked Paris of Germany was stopped. Western front, fighting for a loss with minimal changes to splice together which Airport Guide makkrathang. In the East, 1917 The armed forces of Russia can overcome Austria-Hungary army, but it was the German military force retreat from Eastern Prussia and Poland. A new battle line opens, when the Ottoman Empire into the war in 1914, Italy and Bulgaria in 1915 and Romania in 1916, Russia Empire collapse in 1917 Russia withdraws from the war, and after the October revolution, in the same year. After the offensive, according to Germany's western front in 1918 United States Army to join the war and Allied armed forces could push German forces back behind the winner several times. Germany, in which experiencing the revolution now have agreed to stop firing when the November 11, 1918, which is known as Armistice Day and the victory of the allies shifted.เมื่อสงครามยุติ รัฐจักรวรรดิใหญ่สี่รัฐ อันได้แก่ จักรวรรดิเยอรมัน ออสเตรีย-ฮังการี รัสเซียและออตโตมัน พ่ายแพ้ทั้งทางการเมืองและทางทหารและได้สิ้นสภาพไป เยอรมนีและรัสเซียสูญเสียดินแดนไปมหาศาล ส่วนอีกสองรัฐที่เหลือนั้นล่มสลายลงอย่างสิ้นเชิง แผนที่ยุโรปกลางได้ถูกเขียนใหม่โดยมีประเทศขนาดเล็กเกิดใหม่หลายประเทศ[16] สันนิบาตชาติถูกก่อตั้งขึ้นด้วยหวังว่าจะป้องกันความขัดแย้งเช่นนี้มิให้เกิดขึ้นอีกในอนาคต ลัทธิชาตินิยมยุโรปเกิดขึ้นหลังสงครามและการล่มสลายของจักรวรรดิทั้งหลาย ผลสะท้อนจากความพ่ายแพ้ของเยอรมนีและปัญหากับสนธิสัญญาแวร์ซาย ยอมรับกันทั่วไปว่าเป็นปัจจัยซึ่งนำไปสู่การปะทุของสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง
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