Because the human mind everyone not covered with love, compassion, and wisdom, so. The standard of politics focus on as to for power, yet knowledge of the mind is the proposition above the object always like Buddha realized in teaching. Better do a good deed, ignores the evil, and purify your heart, because they are fairly head if the mind is good, will say good, and do good, but if the heart is evil. I will say it is evil, evil in human rights is associated with the main idea of Buddhism is the main ideas about human rights without prejudice. No break guys, which is often followed by a severe conflict, and is the source of war.In terms of Buddhism is the science of living,... Buddhism will focus on the nirvana of the individual. But with the world situation change. Buddhism is to change themselves to suit the conditions of current world as well; for example, Buddhadhasa Bhikkhu mentioned in the book. "Buddhadhasa "s destiny." why must tear the 30-60%.
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