Attractions in Thailand
-. I am going to write about the country has many attractions
.- tourist attractions in various provinces and, for example 3 attractions ชี้ฟ้ in Chiang Rai Province, Phu kradueng of Loei province. DOI Inthanon and Chiang Mai, etc. Body 1
.- tell the location of Mount blue nun first. And begins to describe the beauty of the climate. Using the imagination to make readers can imagine the
.- the last of body. I talk about the strengths and unique charm of climate
Body 2
- I'll connect body 2 along with body 1 by comparison between climate and Phu kradueng
.- I'll start writing by telling the location of Phu kradueng first. A little bit of detail and Phu kradueng. After that, I began to describe beauty alphabetical. Maybe I will tell about the beliefs of the alphabetical.- the last of body 2 I will talk about the place in Phu กระทึง, such as waterfalls, etc. Body 3
.- I'll connect body 3 to adapt to body1 body 2 and by speaking to 2 place is beautiful, too. But there is one place is beautiful and as climate Phu kradueng
.- I'll start writing by the beauty of the mountain in bliss. And identity that do feature of this place Conclusion
- I repeat the 3 tourist attractions
.Effect on the great countries of the foreigners. The subject of the economic
- conservation, environment beautiful next
. Invite all stand to touch those places
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