Travel to visit Castle Neuschwanstein (great Castle origins sani land)In-depth. Praslin thasa thapho ball Tang days Best will not reach the Castle came.All trains from 2 hrs to Fussen Muchen Buy a ticket for travel with bayern over 2 Yes, because more people stayed in the same (25 EUR)From Munich to fussen Hbf take a hour from the train station, bus line up released fussen RVA/OVG 73 or 78-ก้ได้.At the hohenschwangau takes 8 minutes ticket price: EUR 2.3 or the train from munich to hohenschwangau takes much at 2: 20 hrs.When you reach the Castle hohenschwangau takes another 30 minutes to walk up ticket prices, EUR 12 ซึ้อ at the ticket center of hohenschwangau.!What to do when you go to Fussen is 1 hohenschwangau Castle, visitor, or 2. a walk in the old town or Castle visits 3 Fussen Hotel ya.The Castle, rarely is there anything. If you would like to selfie, taken from the bridge just outside the Castle don't Dim, but enjoying the view out of the Castle, has looked back to a postcard.Browse train times from
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