For example,
start date 1 January 2558 stability compared to U.S. - Thai baht is 32.00 1 dollar
you A purchase money. USD kept 100 USD with money, Thai baht, 3 200 baht (32.00x100)
.The 10 January 2558 Thai baht (THB) compared to $US (USD) was 33.00 baht / 1 dollars
you A money USD for money. THB will get the Thai baht = 33.00 x 100. 3 300
trading, this is also called "trading" (Trad)
.We can see that the income from the investment you A profit 100 baht. 3 300-3 (,,)
* all the numbers 200 as example to see the picture.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..