1. Devil in a procession of Kings Queen, and avoided 2. the devil in the procession of the son or daughter. 3. the devil in the procession of the Bishop. 4. the Department of motor vehicle 5. vehicles used in Government highway patrol 6. fire car 7. car SVC 8. the Ministry of defence, automotive, used to travel to do the training. 9. the Ministry of defence, automotive, used to move troops or gear. 10. automotive Ministry of defence used for official duties, which must have a registration number plate and special marks. Stuck on Automotive: 10.1 the Office of Ministry of defence 10.2 landmines 10.3 an army. 10.4 the fleet. 10.5 air force. Such a car must have a certificate to use for automotive, and thus with the label bosses. Mandatory to use pickup trucks from 6 wheelers Motorways are roads that allow citizens to fast. Safe and economical way for users to follow.The law strictly. As follows:1. Road Traffic Act, b.e. 2522 land! 1.1 section 6 paragraph 1 prohibit anyone from bringing cars whose condition is not stable or potentially dangerous or may cause damage. Health to the user way. The passenger or the citizens used in railway 1.2 section 20 riders which truck driving man Animals or to provide protection to the eating thing, Animals, or the load Dropped the leak smell light reflection or blown off from the car, the danger may be a dangerous troublemaker nuisance for people. Another penalty by section 148 whoever breaches liable to not more than 500 baht. Highway Act b.e. 2535.2. Section 61 do not use vehicles on the highways by vehicles or trucks, the axle weight exceeds. Assigned or by the vehicle, it may cause the damaged Highway, the penalty under section 73/2 any breach is liable. Imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or a fine of up to 10,000 baht, or both.All rights reserved © 2007 special town Highway Fund The Department of highways (Inter City Highways Department, Division of Motorway). D
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