Most guides are freelance and are hired for particular jobs. Tour oper การแปล - Most guides are freelance and are hired for particular jobs. Tour oper แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

Most guides are freelance and are h

Most guides are freelance and are hired for particular jobs. Tour operators and other people employ guides mainly to inform tourists about the places they are
visiting. Therefore a guide has to have a good sound knowledge not only of a
particular place but also of other things which are generally relevant – for example,
architecture, history, and local customs. During our training we intensively learn a
vast amount of information about whole range of subjects, and we have to be
capable of jumping from one topic to another in the same sentence! But the way in
which a person conveys this knowledge is the key: you have to be good at judging
what your audience is interested in and you have to know how to keep their
attention. These are not easy skills, I can tell you!
A guid׳s commentary should be interesting, lively, and above all, enthusiastic. It shouldn’t be too academic and heavy, but neither it should it be frivolous. A sense of humour is also important, but again one should only be humourous where appropriate.
׳Getting the balance righ is the main skill of guiding and commentaries should vary according to each group. A group of schoolchildren and a group of architects require a
very different approach.
Tourists ask a lot of questions and a guide should
be friendly, helpful, and approachable. Guides shouldn’t claim to know everyt
hing - were not superhuman! If you don’t know the answer, say so, but add ׳
I’ll find out it for you Questions can vary. They can be practical ones, it’s important to know where the toilets are situated as well as the date of a monument! When things go
wrong – as they occasionally do – a guide should pause and calmly sort out the
problem, and try to make sure that the original itinerary is kept to.

A guide takes on a number of roles for the tourist: teacher, entertainer, ambassador, nurse, and the boss. As teacher the guide is passing on information, as
we’ve discussed. Most tour groups are on holiday so they want to enjoy themselves
and want to be entertained to a certain extent. People also need looking after, so
you sometimes have to be a nurse. Some people are jet-lagged or have minor
illnesses (sometimes worse!). When we train, we do a basic first-aid course.
As a guide you really are an ambassador for your country and it is your job
to promote it. For many people you are the only person from that country that they
have any contact with. As an ambassador you also have to know about diplomacy
and you are responsible for making sure everyone is happy.
You also have to be the boss in order to ensure that the itinerary runs
smoothly. You’re often in charge of checking in and out of hotels, taking care of
baggage, money, and so on. Efficiency is very important in all of this.
Above all as a guide you have to like people. You meet the world in this job, some great people and some awful ones, but youhave to try to treat them all as equals. Don’t be patronizing, but welcome everyone as if they were a VIP to your country. But most of all enjoy it

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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Die meeste gidse is vryskut en gehuur word vir spesifieke take. Toeroperateurs en Guides ander mense in diens hoofsaaklik Guest inlig oor die plekke wat hulle
besoek. Daarom is 'n Gids het om 'n goeie grondige kennis nie net van 'n het
besonder, maar ook van 'n ander plek Dinge wat oor die algemeen van toepassing is - byvoorbeeld,
Argitektuur, Geskiedenis, en plaaslike gebruike. Ons intensief tydens ons Training Leer 'n
groot hoeveelheid inligting oor die hele reeks van onderwerpe, en ons het om te wees
Staat van spring van die een na die ander in dieselfde onderwerp vonnis! Maar die manier
waarop 'n persoon dra hierdie kennis is die sleutel: Jy het goed in die oordeel te wees
wat jou gehoor geïnteresseerd in en Hoe om jou te hê om hul weet
aandag. Dit is nie maklik nie Vaardighede, ek sê jy kan!
Interessante kommentaar A GUID se moet wees, lewendig, en bo alles, entoesiasties. Dit moet nie te akademies en swaar wees, maar nie dit behoort te wees ligsinnig. N sin vir humor is ook belangrik, maar weer 'n mens moet net humoristiese wees waar gepas.
'Aan die balans regter is die belangrikste vaardigheid te lei en kommentare moet wissel na gelang van elke groep. A groep skoolkinders en 'n groep van Argitekte Nodig
heel ander benadering.
Toeriste vra baie vrae en 'n gids moet
vriendelik, hulpvaardig en toeganklik wees. Guides moet nie daarop aanspraak maak dat everyt weet
Hing - was nie bomenslike! As jy nie die antwoord ken nie, sê so, maar Voeg
'Ek kry dit uit vir vrae wat jy kan wissel. Hulle kan praktiese kinders, is dit belangrik om te weet waar die toilette sowel geleë as die datum van 'n monument! Wanneer dinge gaan
verkeerd - soos hulle soms doen - 'n Gids moet Stop en kalm uit te sorteer die
probleem en probeer om seker te maak dat die oorspronklike Reisprogram gehou word. 'N Gids neem op 'n aantal rolle vir die Toeriste: onderwyser, verhoogkunstenaar ,. ambassadeur, verpleegster, en die baas. Lei as die onderwyser is verby op inligting, soos ons bespreek het. Die meeste is op vakansie toer groepe sodat hulle hulself wil geniet en Wil jy vermaak word om 'n sekere mate. Moet soek na mense ook, so jy moet soms 'n verpleegster wees. Sommige mense is Jet-uitgestel of minderjarige siektes (soms erger!). Lei wanneer ons, ons doen 'n Noodhulp kursus Basic. As 'n gids jy werklik is 'n ambassadeur vir jou land en dit is jou werk om dit te bevorder. Jy is die enigste persoon wat vir baie mense van daardie land wat hulle het met enige Kontak. Jy moet ook weet as 'n ambassadeur van diplomasie en jy is verantwoordelik vir die maak seker almal is gelukkig. Jy moet ook die baas te wees ten einde te verseker dat die Reisplan loop vlot. Jy is dikwels in beheer van die beheer van in en uit Hotels, die versorging van bagasie, geld, en so aan. Doeltreffendheid is baie belangrik in al hierdie dinge. Bo alles as 'n gids Jy moet mense wil. Jy ontmoet die wêreld in hierdie werk, 'n paar groot mense en 'n paar verskriklike kinders, maar youhave om te probeer om dit te hanteer almal as gelykes. Moenie neerbuigend wees nie, maar verwelkom almal asof hulle 'n VIP na jou land. Maar die meeste van almal geniet dit

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