The propack Asia 2014 is divided into 6 zone. For the seller and the buyer has to meet and negotiate business easier, which each zone including
.Bachelor DrinkTechAsia 2014 - The International Exhibition on technology, processing and packaging beverage times 13
* Lab & TestAsia 2014 - international exhibition about the tool. Hardware lab experiment and measurement and control devices, the 8
.Bachelor PharmaTechAsia 2014 - The International Exhibition on technology, processing and packaging, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Time 21
* PrintTechAsia 2014 - The international exhibition of printing technology, processing and packaging, the 3
.New zone for years 2014
* FoodTechAsia 2014 - The International Exhibition on technology, processing and packaging of food PackagingMaterialsAsia 2014
* - The International Exhibition on packaging materials. In order to meet the material
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