Preparation of Thai studies to Akita merges into the community su.Mr. adi Bunyakianti Chinuan yaratmontri whether the Ministry of education has a special lecture about "preparing the education of Thai public towards the ASEAN people. The year 2015 "it fitted sathai is a leader in the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is electric potential in the core it is recommended that you create a strong ASEAN people release under one single unique vision and strategy communities once rich population of prosperity เพื่ resources & thakit.Complete preparation of Thai education aims are as follows:1. create a ASEAN community by providing education, as education hub is prepared in the framework of the national education plan, thought to be aimed at creating awareness of Thai people in the management of education in order to create a Thai man, who dashed to visit ASEAN's sharp performance development, ready to live together and to promote international cooperation on education with cooperation with the academic quality is 3. To expand educational opportunities and promote the services and education.2. driving a bowl with ASEAN study on understanding the. In the story about a neighbor in klu they're in ASEAN. The difference to the ethnic background of human rights, the promotion of foreign language teaching เรืยน to improving communication between countries in ASEAN have been added to the teacher at the end of the English education into education at all levels so that students can communicate with English creative.
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