From the initial theory that occurred after the initiative. The king was spent 14 years in research analysis, review papers, reports the study results and information given. หม่อมราชวงศ์เทพ mighty Devakula to for experimental research.From 1952 BC), as is research, and research papers, the academic motivation science and modified air, which he knows. And specialized. It is recognized both in and abroad, agent more confident, so direct Royal this concept to หม่อมราชวงศ์เทพ mighty Devakula specialized in research of the agricultural engineering, artificial Of the Ministry of agriculture and in the following year, and be gracious to please me. To find avenues to cause workshops in the sky as possible.The experiment in the sky for the first time after the year ๒๕๑๒. Ministry of agriculture. Established the Department of rice pest suppression, flying unit And ready to support in response หม่อมราชวงศ์เทพ wants a mighty Devakula has led up he found that inform. Ready to proceed according to his, so in the same year that he โปรดเกล้าฯ. The laboratory training in the sky is the first on 1-2. ๒๕๑๒ โดยกระ. Ministry of agriculture appointed to หม่อมราชวงศ์เทพ activity. Devakula, project director and head of the laboratory is the first. And choose the Khao Yai National Park area is the first experimental experimental area by ice cubes (dry drops ice or solid carbondioxide). Size does not exceed one cubic inch into the cloud top height not exceeding 10, exhibitions of foot floating กระจัดกระจายอยู่เหนือ experimental area at the time, the clouds. Experiment on them. Changes of cloud physics apparently born refined gathered dense. And a great cloud large rise in a short time and then moves with the wind direction away from the eyes can not observe. Due to the cover. But from the follow-up survey on the ground. And to confirm reports with words.
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