"Tell the volume โรหณะ path of faith to faith."
"Up To 1 months stay 1 night at Wat สังกัตรัตนค Merge to meet the monk traditions pour volumes several hundred monks walk down from the top of his stairs step 4 at the bottom of the crowded into a Buddhist tensA strong faith in the reflected image is done in light of all my heart."
Uthai Thani community Sakae Krang River small-town hospitality with a warm and much more with the exotic and wait for it to give to people who come in contact with are still unique Thai culture and far away impurities from the outsideBut try stop gently let my life, walked slowly down. You will fall in love with this city is not difficult
top of the mountain at the center of the city, in the most sacred place nest is still there, I believe, but it is ancient, it is of the ruins of the ancient, B.E.2 the secretary of a heart of glass and the inhabitants of the Abbot of Wat Thung Uthai Thani to help build up the mondop, myths, Carmel, with Jacuzzi® construction สังกัตรัตนค Temple, the auspicious occasion of the domestic ทัยเขตร์ to become a center of Buddhist faith
And then, in the days of rains rains every year during the evening before the day of light-and-sound great epic story scenario that the Buddha came down from heaven.and it is a day time period is 3 months, became known as "the great day my companions."
Pour the volume โรหณะ monk tradition several hundred monks preaching went down from the top of the mountain, he had a long line of his nest among the top 449 background is the staircase that is cut to the edge of the mountains in between blue sky.The people at the bottom and wait for Dry Food preparation rice ใส่บาตร monks until the image is recognizable, it will help build their faith and succeed, it is Buddhism Eunuch
- date, time, event: Festival Day rains overnight 1 dinner 1 months of every year
- venue: temple สังกัตรัตนค color, Amphoe Mueang Uthai Thani
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