* มุ่งเน้นที่จุดสิ้นสุดของกิจกรรมหรือการดำเนินงานว่าได้ผลตามที่ตั้งไว้หรือไม่
* มีตัวชี้วัด ( ตัวบ่งชี้ ) ที่ชัดเจน
สรุปกล่าวได้ว่าการทำงานที่ประสบผลสำเร็จจะต้องมีประสิทธิผลและมีประสิทธิภาพด้วยThe difference between a and Output Outcome / efficiency and effectiveness
Output means productivity, the productivity of the process
Outcome means. The results, the project's success
, for example, the entrance exam
.The results (Outcome) is the entrance exam stick or stick
yield (Output) is a test that we do
Output Outcome and there is a difference.
Output is what made into output (Product) measured at the end of the action, but...
.Performance (Efficiency) means the process that looks as follows:
1. Save (Economy), including cost savings (Cost). Save resources (Resources)
and save time (Time)
2. Finished on time (Speed)
3.Outcome is the benefits of Product which must be cast during the period one
conclusion, however Outcome good from Output. Good
the difference between efficiency and effectiveness
.Quality (Quality) by considering the process from input (Input) or materials are well selected with the process operation. The manufacturing process (Process) good and produced (Output) good
.* Powerful must therefore consider that process, economical, fast, the quality of the work, which is a
. All operations
the effectiveness............
- 2 -
.The effectiveness (Effective) means the results of performance according to the expectation (Purpose) defined objectives (Objective) or goals. (Goal) and specific targets (including Target)
1.Quantitative targets are specified type, category and number of output. Finally, want to get when the operation is completed.
2 target qualitative. To show the value of output obtained from the operation.
.* focus at the end of activities or operations that the results based on the set or a
* a quantitative (Indicator) clear
summary said that working systems. To effectively and efficiently.
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