My name is Miss Som Fine outdoor rain nickname least 18 years old, I was born in the province of Nakhon Sawan, was born on Monday, March 18, 2539, graduated from grade 6 at Nakhon Sawan. But come the end of grade 6, Nakhon Ratchasima. When I was living in Thailand. I live with. Grandfather, uncle, aunt, sister and I currently live in every province of Surat Thani. I have a private home here. Currently, I live with my mom and sister came to my dad. Mothers during school holidays
now, I'm studying at university 1st year PhD Political Science Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. High School I came to the University of Copenhagen's day to Friday. I like studying history and social sciences The future I want to be a bailiff. My sister is studying in grade 1 at the province. Where is your father and your mother was sent away to my sister and teachers. My father and mother were trading. Revenue is not good Leisure time, I will go to help sell some of my sport, I can not play volleyball. Or maybe free time I like to watch movies. I like horror movies I'm going to the movies 2 times per month.
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