When the creature that originated on Earth, which has a simple structure, it is not complicated. When the time changed the creature gradually changes slowly into a complex structure and a new type of thinking that is the Foundation of the evolution of living organisms has been mentioned by sue and many scientists, such as the concept of two marks (1744-1829, Lamark) has proposed a rule to use.And not to use the organs of living things (Law of use and Disuse) and the rules of the emerging style inheritance (inheritance of acquired charcteristics of Law) in which this concept was continued by tai Koo, Xavier (Cuvier) in the late 19th century, following August 19 wai man (August Weismann) has pointed out the importance of Republican yoem.Sasuem (Germplasm) and some characteristics that have not been transferred through genetic evolution is not yet on the subject, is very widely accepted, until in 1859 Charles Darwin, "The Origin of species, print the document) published after that knowledge about the evolution of living organisms, it is increasingly recognized by Darwin's ideas as follows:1. the creatures of all kinds will increase the amount of the advances in geometry. Than is often produced many children get over to life, breed.2. the creature has to fight for survival.3. all types of creatures have been variable.4. the variable behavior heredity had several temporary version of life.Upon the Earth, and the evidence table the evolution of living organisms.Table upon the Earth (geological Time Tabale)A study on evolutionary need to know the story of life in the past and the world's geological conditions, because it helps to predict the temperature. Geographical conditions and the distribution of various creatures have geologists need to reverse aging in the world and the age of the fossil by using the method of measurement which is a radiation kammantaphap thatu will change is another unique element that acts fast rate, for example, urea is gradually changed into a ...Natakua in a specific throughput is 1 gram urea units changed to 0.5 grams uranium spent 4.6 billion years (4.6 x 109) or ช่วิ (harf-life) has half tons is equal to 4.6 billion years old. Therefore, the ratio of uranium to lead found in rock layers to allow aging of the stone. But all kinds of rock, they did not have that kammantaphap radiation. Therefore, in order to find out the age of the fossils of more than 30000 years old used gum from carbon taphap way (C14) radiation which occurs naturally absorbed into the C14 is the body of a dead organism, although it still exists. Therefore, C14, with fossils geologists can measure the half life of C14 did find the number of C14 is equal to last year, when calculated, 5560 will know that life is life in the modern era or age or any university or a few million years ago.
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