Stonehenge Located in the middle of ' 58 Sullivan saboe Ferries ' With all the rock number 112 is sort of a circle of 3 nested circles and place them in a different manner. Scientists have calculated the age of the rocks of this group. It found that probably were built about 3000 – 2000. BC story interesting is that each stone, each of the same age and were brought from different places, different era together. Plains said no stone of this gigantic, it most likely is derived from ' the Meadows ' Marlborough is about 40 kilometers away from the question, namely, that time is unlikely to have a float voltage example we used are nowadays include polished stone of rounded squares. There are engravings and pivot, which will cause the rock to lean on each other perfectly as the handiwork of aliens visiting Earth. Using cutting-edge technology to create some of the artwork that is a giant in an age before.
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