A good paragraph must have unity, any link to related (coherence) link content (cohesion) with sequence, such as the importance. Much to the less or less to many sort place, use conjunctions link time (transitions).1. Structure of the paragraph.A paragraph is a suborder in article consists of sentences from 1 theology show the main idea is only one.For example the structure of a paragraph, popular writing.The structure.For example.Topic sentence.Writing academic articles requires a lot of, and application thinking, determination.Idea 1 - supporting details.Thinking involves selection of information.- supporting details.And the incubation of thoughts.Idea 2 - supporting details.Application concerns the use of knowledge in a new context.- supporting details.And the adaptation of principles of writing new information.Idea 3 - supporting details.Determination is related to psychological nature of the writer.- supporting details.And the motivation for that writing.The paragraph may do as follows.1. Chronological order organized chronologically happened.2. Spatial order sort by physical appearance.Or relationship, such as lectures.3. Climactic order sorted by priority.4. Topical order sorted by topics.Paragraph writing must have linked the idea and content coherence cohesion (,).It is the responsibility of the author to show the readers know, think, presented are connected together. May be it was made clear by the content, such as repeated words, repeated, or grammatical or use of words.2. Writing Topic sentence.Topic sentence is sentence shown the main idea (main idea), paragraphs may be placed early, middle, or at the end of the sentence, typically in the paragraph. Following the main idea sentence extend more sentences support (supporting ideas) provide information or dispute more, writing a paragraph should have. Topic sentence and structure is clear, the reader easy track. Don't write too long, should not write text that does not involve Topic sentence in that paragraph.(in paragraph writing is important, writing topic sentence).3. Link ideas in paragraphs and between paragraphs.Data linkIn paragraph writing and compact and can convey the author. The need to have data links, both within the paragraph and between paragraphs.3.1 Signaling words used in data link / sentence variety in paragraphs and between paragraphs.3.2 welding by welding โยงค.
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