Chapter 1IntroductionThe concept is important. According to the spirit of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand is the main law governing 2553 (2010) local, local governments are free to set policies governing the management of financial and human resource inventory under the supervision of the Government authorities and the public sector, in the monitoring of local development assigned to local governments prepare strategic plans, local development. Also, local governments have been working together to develop a strategic plan to guide the direction and development of the local area to provide vision and strategy development to achieve success based on the goals must therefore be given a three-year development plan is to transform the battle for science, 1991.Thana into action, with Lak that under a development strategy guidelines developed in more than one way, and under the guidelines developed by one contains more than one project/activity the project/activity will have to be taken to achieve the objectives and goals based on individual strategy and three-year development plan municipal is a tool to make the annual expenditure budget to make the budgeting process is to carefully and through the participation of the people. The local Government has a profound resolution should start understanding the principle and concept of local administration, it is clear that the meaning of the primary purpose of the basic concepts, as well as the format of the local administration. To achieve knowledge and understanding of local government system in a way that is beneficial to the global study, which analyzed the elements as well as the form of local administration and environment suitable for each locality, including ways to improve your troubleshooting system under federal guidelines, or a universal concept which is generally accepted. In addition, a study to understand the patterns of political power. Public land management, as well as the relationship between the system of local government or local governments with the system of the country that have a relationship to each other; What the Government should do what local governments can establish itself, including full control or supervision system of local administration as part of a system of independent State, which could not continue without the scope. The legal authority is another major subject of the federal public service is due to make public any service for the benefit of the local residents of Japan, most of the administrative authority is required to rule on the action, as well as the preparation of other federal public service. Under the principle of the rule of the State property in the actions of the State Agency of the State or Government officials in power which must be made public service has always supported the law, otherwise it will not be possible to proceed with legislation. Administration of the three Tambon khok Sung district Wang Word as a government doctor Peach was with a mission to serve the public public. Based on the principles on equality and neutrality of the public service as a Government Affairs, held for the benefit of the people, by the people, so everyone has the right to be treated or to benefit from public services or access to public service. the sector. Without benefits or to whom any one particular group or any group. Therefore, it has been managed to the satisfaction survey of sub-district administrative organization Cobra to explore words bring the information obtained from the evaluation and correction of the operations of the sub-district administrative organization a Cobra high. Amphoe Wang Sam Mo Udon Thani succeed according to the objectives set.The purpose. The report concerning the study of people's satisfaction towards the services of administration of the three Tambon khok Sung words Wang Mo Udon Thani. There is a purpose in education research. Is as follows: 1. customer satisfaction towards the services and processes/procedures for using the service. 2. customer satisfaction towards the services/personnel services officer. 3. customer satisfaction towards the services and facilities. 4. study of the opinions and suggestions of people to improve the service. The scope of research People and groups, for example, The people in the study are as follows: the people who used the service or the administration of the subdistrict a Wang Sam Mo Kok Sung Udon Thani. Sample group. Samples used in the study is that the people who used the service or of the administration of the three Tambon khok Sung words Wang Mo Udon Thani in June a 2558 samples based on primary research survey of D.A de Vaus (D.A de Vaus, 2002:71) and random sample selection by a random accident (Accidental Sampling) of 145 people, which can be considered a sample sufficient to refer to the population. The duration and location of operation. The report concerning the study of people's satisfaction towards the services of administration of the three Tambon khok Sung words Wang Mo Udon Thani. Time to research, from 15 July to 15 August 2558 (2015) 2558 (2015) Location: Operations Administration Wang Sam khok, Tambon Kham high doctor-Udon Thani.The result is expected to be received. 1. the results of the study make informed citizen satisfaction level towards the service of administration of high road, Tambon khok Kham. Amphoe Wang Sam Mo, Tambon khok Sung words, Udon Thani province. 2. the results of the study, which involved can be aware of the problems and suggestions and used as a study guide for the planning, development, infrastructure, efficiency and satisfaction, the following. Specific terms Satisfaction refers to the positive attitude of the people towards something as good or attitudes towards work of a person who is positive. The joy of khok
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