Summary of the project's article ropdang.
iPhone: iPhone is a mobile phone that has the ability to use the Internet and multimedia production, and sold by Apple by the operation of the iPhone can send e-mail
iPad: IPad is a tablet computer designed and developed by Apple, with the main role in the field of multimedia, music, games, e-tourism, the Toshiba Web site and the size and weight of the packages they are lighter than a laptop size, weight 680 g and 601. IMac: the iMac is a computer company Apple computers or workbook contains one of charun created for basic usage and home computer users with screen and System in the same
iPod: IPod is a portable music machine, the name of the company Apple computer iPod used to initialize the hard disk to store data, but on the iPod version of the foen and dana dachaf iPod dathat iPod UNO uses Flash memory
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