History of the day, at which time the quarter khri birth of Jesus that, according to evidence in the Bible that Jesus's birth recorded in the reign of Emperor af flights hatyai episode2 [Roman Empire] satu Sudoku. Which instructs the registered population count across the land by the owner, the city of Assiut, Kiri NI Syria it policy compliance, registered population count across the territory, but the Bible doesn't say Jesus birth day or month what side the mafia historians that day.December 25 is the day that the emperor took Rene imitation to be the birthday celebrations of the solar deity. Since 1990, most respectable 274 Romans gods celebrate today as a celebration of the Emperor in the emperor with it in comparison to the Sun, that gives light to the human life, but the Christians who are in the Roman Empire, including the Romans changed Christian awkward to celebrate the birthdays of the solar deity, so turn to celebrating the birth of Jesus instead. After the Christians controlled religious freedom since the 1970s. 64 – 313 (1914) until December 25 1821 330 Christians began Christmas celebrations and official disclosure.
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