Way down the tent area, when the end of route meadow is the down in the valley. Because the wind DOI mon Book windy and blowing direction and dirt as well as trees cannot grow. Come up the opposite side is the deep valley People use this valley is the tent area to hide him.Scenic mountain bike book from the tent, walk up on the ridge. A long corridor along the ridge right back the way we came. Left to the scenic cliff lion head. Walking distance to the cliff lion head almost to the 2 kilometers. The Ridge Hill Salmon Book set along the north and south. Wherever you are is the sunset obviously too. Different view, but below a bit.The forest in the valley between the Sun move down gradually. The light we see is gradually changed. The forest is below the trees that common. It is one of the most abundant forest.Lion head cliffs. cliff lion head from the tent area walk up 2 hills. Left the distance to the cliff lion head size. How far think, at the top of the cliff, if walk to look closer, angle well, shall be like a lion conceited, watching the sun. Tomorrow morning we go to conquer the cliff lion head to watch the sunrise. Because of the other points. Looking to the East is the tree cover them all. Cliff lion head is only one direction for the sunrise on the mountain bike reservations.The peak DOI mon book. Finally we arrived on the cliff top head sing the end before coming up บนนี้ is very steep, To climb the stone in the picture, but no time. Afraid to miss the morning light of the new day. And for the west side the moon still shines beautifully So we can see the mountain below.Flower Hill Book Light salmon, morning. We keep refreshing atmosphere of nature as well. Rose bushes in full bloom. Thousands of small grass hidden beauty for those with good to see. Even the top wild vegetable fern with water drops the island are pretty.
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