[29] the Committee Munsin studied feature combustion (Combustion characteristic) of fuel ethanol with water is element 5 percent by volume (Eh95) the mixing, help to ignite the different types. For example, a commercial additive (additive, Commercial ED95) glycerol oni some (Glycerol ethoxylate) biodiesel (Biodiesel) and EO thathin ether (Diethyl ether), as shown in table 2.2 test under conditions of engine ignition, with compression. Using machines, compressibility and rapid expansion (Rapid compression and expansion machine, RCEM) where determines all conditions tested, the temperature after compression equals 900K trial found that ethanol fuel with water is element 5 percent by volume mixing commercial additives (ED95) and.Fuel ethanol is a water element, 5 percent by volume, mix some glycerol oni tharoi 5% by volume (5% GE) has a range of ignition delay of similar. As shown in Figure 2.15 observed that both types of fuel, will have a range of ignition delay of approx. 0.9 ms, which typically range ignition delay of diesel engine with low compression ratios injection directly into the bore will be between 0.6-3 ms and diesel engines with higher compression ratios than direct injection style cylinder model with Turbo-charging the layer will be between 0.4-1 [30] ms there demonstrate the possibility of using ethanol, rescue engine with ignition and compression.From Figure 2.16 found that ethanol fuel with water is element 5 percent by volume mixing additives to commercial fuel (ED95) and ethanol-water element to 5 percent by volume, mix some glycerol oni tharoi 5% by volume (5% GE) has features similar to combustion, that is, the mixed combustion range (Premixed combustion phase) that is less than other types of blended fuels, but the quality of burning is controlled by mixing (Mixing controlled combustion phase) greater than that which can be observed clearly in the graph between the heat release rate per time after injection of fuel. In the case of other types of blended fuel to combustion of the mixture over. Due to the increase of the range of ignition delay of fuel which will have time to mix with the air more. Result in a rate change in pressure (the Pressure rise rate) increase rapidly and cause combustion (Combustion noise) [32]
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