The disease patterns (MM) or full name, that multiple, independent dolphin (Multiple Myeloma) cancer in โลหิตวิทยารูปแบบ one. Which is still not widely known. Abnormality of proliferation of plasma cells. , which originated from the marrow. The abnormal protein in the blood. Usually, plasma cell immunity function to the body. But when the patient has the disease patterns. Plasma cells are transformed into cancer cells and not immunity as usual. But it will create a M protein. Along with the shed chemicals unusual out into the body. Which will cause irregularities on the bone marrow, as well as other organs of the body.The disease is cancer of the plasma cells, mm Due to activation of cancer gene Or abnormal control of CY tokines gene receptor and CY tokines or absence of gene press, cancer. Cell cell division patterns which slowly with interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a stimulant to cell division, has destroyed the bone and press the function of normal cells in the marrow. The abnormal proteins (M-protein) which was detected in the serum and light-chain which is excreted in the urine. Call Bence - Jones protein. The disease often causes mm disorder in the body in many systems, such as the kidney, bone, skin, heart, nervous system, metabolism and otherThe disease patterns found in adult age average 60 years in the United States there are patients with multiple, independent, dolphin 45 000. New patients per year, 14 600 people. Found in black than white people twice, and in Asian countries, the proportion of the population 1 thousands of people will find the patient 0.8 people in Singapore and 2 in South Korea.
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