According to the experimental procedure (Section 2.3), the.Maximum amount of FAEE that can be converted from the lipids.Was determined to be 20.33 edge 0.375 mg FAEE / 100 mg dry microalgae.Biomass. The conversion yield of each experiment could be calculated.By dividing a sample determined FAEE amount by the.Maximum FAEE amount.3.1. Effect of co-solvent on conversion yield of biodiesel.In the direct transesterification study dried microalgae, biomass.Was not pre-treated by any other method to destroy the cell wall.Experiments with petroleum ether n-Hexane carbon tetrachloride,,,Ethyl, ether n-butanol chloroform and, acetone were carried.Out to determine the best co-solvent with 75% ethanol for extracting.Lipids.As shown in Fig. 1 petroleum ether n-hexane and chloroform,,,All showed a higher efficiency among the chosen solvent. The reason.For these results is that n-hexane and petroleum ethers are.Non - polar solvents which not, only were capable of dissolving.Long-chain triglycerides but also, are miscible, with ethanol resulting.In homogeneous catalysis. Chloroform with higher polarity was.Found to be conducive to disrupting cell wall and extracting lipids.From microalgae cells (Im et al, 2014). Hexane is relatively cheap.In comparison to petroleum ethers and environmentally friendly.Compared with chloroform. Therefore it was, used in all experiments.Discussed below.3.2. Influence of reaction factors on the conversion yield of biodiesel.The results of the influence of the n-hexane to 75% ethanol ratio.(V / V), mixed solvent dosage reaction temperature time and catalyst,,,Volume on the conversion yield of direct transesterification.Were shown in Table 1. It was indicated that a lower ratio of the.N-hexane to 75% ethanol played a positive role on the conversion.Yield assigned to, the high content of 75% ethanol in the, mixed solventWhich could help microalgae lipid to be extracted and react.With ethanol. The effect of solvent dosage on the conversion yield.Was illustrated in Table 1. The FAEE yield was increased.
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