To nourish the soil.1. the maintenance of soil Among the factors that are related to the growth of both the branches and the fruit the effect of wood-effect. In addition to the FAA, the air. Plant food or fertilizer is considered to be a direct factor in promoting the growth of the plants. Almost all food crops is derived from the soil. Farmers often take soil, but alone. In a year the trees will absorb a large amount of food to. If there is no additional nutrients to replace the parts that are missing. To make the fresh soil into the ground at the time and in the end that it will use the plant. When there is not enough food. The growth of a plant, it would be wrong and in most plants may die. Plants also need nutrients from the soil nitrogen phosphorus potassium calcium is magnesium, sulphur, in addition to the elements. Secondary food such as manganese, boron, copper, iron, zinc, and the lip di Nam. Plant food that we, in the soil will have both อินทรีย and อินทรีย compounds such as inorganic yasan leaf decay. The fermentation of animal manure to grass helps improve the physical properties of the soil, such as the soil to absorb water well sui ruan. In addition to adding nutrients to make land, but very little. For example, a cow or buffalo manure nutrient nitrogen is estimated 1.3% 0.8-is. Phosphoric acid 0.3-0.9%, etc. The tree is not used immediately, but will release organic fertilizer, fertilizer and break through the weathered before soil microorganisms and are helped by food plants are in a hole, such as ammonium sulphate por new tree yasan ammonium nitrate, sodium manai Te PA. Urea ammonium mofotfet These substances as a source of nitrogen (N) compounds their super phosphate, calcium phosphate bone double super phosphate and ammonium mofotfet (P), phosphorus is a chemical substance that the elemental to the section (K) of the popular thaet is potassium chloride and potassium sulfate soil needs nutrients from inorganic fertilizers when soil wood effect depending on the various nutrients are not enough. Fertilizer application should be done when the plants lack nutrients and put in a good amount of non-nutrient deficits not exceed, that plants need.The fertilizer fruit garden. 2. The fertilizer fruit garden. The wood-effect fertilizer, it differs from the fertilizer plant, root crops, vegetables and tuen, such as or, since wood has a long standing effect long life effect of fertilizer application and therefore more important. Because of the lack of some nutrients, so it takes a long time to display food, reviews. The fertilizer, wood has many factors to consider, such as the age of the Earth, with the type of wood and the effects. Rainfall, as well as how you can determine the park operating methods and rates to certain death, the fertilizer. Therefore, each garden fertilizers may vary. For a general principle to consider providing fertilizer should be as follows: 2.1 should know the quantity of nutrients that are present in the soil or in different parts of the tree that is there is enough, and that those plants can take food to benefit only. The test to determine the quantity of nutrients can result in various ways, such as to analyze soil. An analysis of parts of plants and fertilizers, as well as the experimental observation of the trees. 2.2 should be aware of the needs of plants in various stages of growth, whether the stage where the trees need food the most, and where plants need nutrients very. Normally we split up the growth of the trees growing through the branch 2 is the result of trees to the different stages of growth will require different nutrients. For example, when we planted banana shoots in the last 3 months from the first to eat the less fertilizer. Beginning month 4, which fit into different stages of banana and beef it lasted until the end of the month that this banana range 6 to nitrogen fertilizer, is high and needs. It is important to exert, fertilizer from 4 months to 6 months, this period has been satisfied at all plants will require reduced fertilizer. If we put a lot of plants, fertilizer is applied, it is only a small advantage to banana 6 month fertilizer when planting at all, then it should be after the fertilizer that helps to improve the quality of bananas, that is, it should be that the highest thaet. 2.3 to provide fertilizer plants should make the most profits. In General, plants need nutrients N:P: K: 5:1: 2 ratio, which in this nutrient ratios, both the authorities and 3 nutrient is most beneficial to the plants or soil if the iko plant no roasted with nutrients and the environment what is another good plant growth. If we let the fertilizer plant, N:P: K: rate. 5:1: 2: "and a plant will grow can provide exceptional interest because all three elements are not hostile towards each other. ๒.๔ การใส่ปุ๋ยควรแบ่งใส่หลายๆ ครั้งต่อปีธาตุอาหารบางอย่าง เช่น ไนโตรเจน เมื่อให้ลง ไปในดินแล้วจะไหลซึมได้ง่าย ถ้าเราให้ในปริมาณมากๆ ในครั้งเดียวพืชจะเอาไปใช้ไม่ทัน และธาตุอาหารอื่นๆ ก็มีลักษณะคล้ายๆ กัน กล่าวคือ พืชจะทยอยใช้ เพื่อป้องกันไม่ให้ปุ๋ยเสียไปโดยเปล่าประโยชน์ การใส่ปุ๋ยจึงควรแบ่งใส่ ๒-๓ ครั้ง หรือมากกว่าต่อปี ทั้งนี้ต้องคำนึงถึงอายุของต้นไม้ด้วยไม้ผลที่ยังเล็กอยู่ควรแบ่งใส่หลายๆ ครั้ง เพราะระบบรากยังไม่แข็งแรงพอ ไม้ผลที่โตแล้วมักแบ่งใส่เป็น ๓ ครั้งต่อปี เช่น ครั้งแรกให้ก่อนหรือต้นฤดูฝน ครั้งที่สองให้ตอนปลายฤดูฝน และอีกครั้งหนึ่งตอนก่อนออกดอก หรือหลังเก็บเกี่ยวผลแล้วอย่างไรก็ดีควรพิจารณาสภาพท้องที่ และชนิดของไม้ผลประกอบด้วย
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