Charantia properties and benefits of charantia 55 deals!CharantiaBitter melon is a popular tropical vine grown to all-time peaks and water into food and food with bitterness that our species known to exist together 2 major species, which include the Chinese bitter melon and charantia both of which this species is the name Momordica charantia, is the same science best bitter in English, are available with multiple names, Bitter melon (bitter melon, Chinese), Bitter gourd (charantia) and also have other words that invoke the Balsam pear Balsam apple, it is Bitter cucumber, etc.Charantia is a khlaikrasuai shape. The surface of the shell is rugged and light effects by protrude buttons will be green, but if the result is a yellow-red. At the end of the three-headed questions why called charantia? The answer is that it likes to eat the birds beak is both effective and seed, then taking various seeds, as it is the origin of this name.Charantia is bitterness over the Chinese bitter melon, it is popular for the elderly with weak results to Tom, or burn, eat whole, but if, as a result, as well as to bring to extract the seeds out first. For the method reduces the bitter taste of charantia with boiling water to be boiled. Salt, about a handful, lightly cooked bitter melon hand in boiling water for a moment, it will cause a bitter taste of the audience into it and still have fresh green color, too.Bitter melon is ripe-Nin's substance (Saponin) in large quantities. Eating may cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and may cause even more death. Therefore, do not eat the suk.Those who do not eat charantia include those cool cold low stomach depleted spleen. Find a meal account may cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, shooting pain, and should be eaten in sufficient quantities. Don't do anything more than I like to drink the water, don't be nasty charantia because it makes the liver work harder, and for pregnant women may cause miscarriage or abortion, if you eat more or eat cooked starts charantia.
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